
Hey everyone! Just wanted to let you know that I'm almost done with my 12 part series in my preference book. I'm so excited for the ending of this and I know a lot of you are too. Once I get "He's Getting Married but Not to You" finished I will start writing all of the requests I've gotten over the next couple months, so you all have that to look forward too!
          	To top it off, I'm going to start writing Colorblind and Fighters again, hopefully soon. I do go back to college at the end of the month so I'm not sure how my schedule will be quite yet as I have not met my professor. I promise I'll keep you updated as much as possible.
          	Thank you all for supporting me even when I suck at posting updates. I love you guys so much!
          	All the love. J x


Hey everyone! Just wanted to let you know that I'm almost done with my 12 part series in my preference book. I'm so excited for the ending of this and I know a lot of you are too. Once I get "He's Getting Married but Not to You" finished I will start writing all of the requests I've gotten over the next couple months, so you all have that to look forward too!
          To top it off, I'm going to start writing Colorblind and Fighters again, hopefully soon. I do go back to college at the end of the month so I'm not sure how my schedule will be quite yet as I have not met my professor. I promise I'll keep you updated as much as possible.
          Thank you all for supporting me even when I suck at posting updates. I love you guys so much!
          All the love. J x


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Okay, two things to say! I am currently working on a new cover to my preference book because mine is obviously shit that I made about 2-3 years ago when I had no idea how to edit or create pictures. SO with that being said, don't be alarmed when the cover changes.
          SECONDLY, I am having a surgery done this monday (January 4th) meaning that I will be on bed rest and not be able to go to work for a week or so, plus my next college semester doesn't begin again until January 19th meaning LOTS OF UPDATES. Look out for them, I'll probably post them every other day so I can try to work on all of my books currently out! Hope you all enjoy!
          All the love. J x


Hey everyone! Just wanted to let you know that I will probably update Colorblind and my Preference book this weekend. I will try to have multiple updates in each to get all my readers through for a few days. Next week is my last week of my first semester in college and finals are the week after, meaning everything is sorta crazy right now. Hope you all understand, and keep a lookout for my updates! All the love. J x


Hey everyone! So I finally updated Colorblind, tonight I'm going to try to update my preference book, depending on what time I get out of work. I hope you all are enjoying Colorblind, and I hope you all enjoyed the new change in Fighters. Keep an eye out because everything will be getting updated again very soon! All the love. J xx


Hey guys, I know I said that Pt 2 of "He's Your School Bully" would be up tonight, I ended up getting into Fighters and writing that instead for right now. I'm going to work on pt 2 in the morning and hopefully have it up before I go to work at 14:00 EST. Keep an eye out for it and I'm sorry it wasn't up on it's scheduled time!


Hey yall! Just a heads up, I have a job interview this morning as well as a doctors appointment, after all that I'm going to relax and write as much as I can, I'm planning an update for tonight so keep an eye out, I'm hoping to get it done as soon as possible. All the love. x -J


Hey yall! I got something in store for everyone! I have a few preferences coming your way, one of them being "He's your school bully pt 2" I'm also going to start a Punk Series book, and a new chapter of "Fighters" will be up sometime this weekend. Finally, in celebration that I am graduating this week (FINALLY) I'll be doing a graduation preference with all the boys. They'll be long so I'm doing them separately. Niall, Liam, and Louis will hopefully all be up today and Zayn and Harry will be up tonight or tomorrow! Keep an eye out!!