
Ok, so Natasha Preston commented on her book that I posted so if your wondering why I had to delete it she said that "this illegal, pirated copy will be removed soon" or something, which is dumb because I have her credit and some people can't afford to go out and buy your flippin book! But whatever. I had to take it down. If your wondering it is $2.99 on iBooks or whatever for iPhone.. Sorry... But if you want me to post another story then tell me which one and I will try and do it... Sorry again I didn't want to delete it I had to other wise I probibly would have gotten into trouble for being a good person.


It's a LAW. You cannot take someone else's work and post it, it's ILLEGAL. You should really check it out because if you're going to continue to post pirated work you could get into a lot of trouble. It's not dumb, I spend months writing, it's my career, how I support my family. NO ONE has a right to take that. You're not being a good person, you're taking money away from hard working authors, you're stealing, it's theft. Don't do it.
          	  UK copyright punishment: 
          	  'Upon conviction in the magistrates court the maximum term of incarceration in the UK for copyright infringement is 6 months and/or a "level five" fine of £5,000. Upon conviction in the Crown court the maximum term of incarceration in the UK for physical copyright infringement is 10 years and/or an "unlimited" fine.'
          	  US punishment: 'Willful copyright infringement can also result in criminal penalties, including imprisonment of up to five years and fines of up to $250,000 per offense.'


Ok, so Natasha Preston commented on her book that I posted so if your wondering why I had to delete it she said that "this illegal, pirated copy will be removed soon" or something, which is dumb because I have her credit and some people can't afford to go out and buy your flippin book! But whatever. I had to take it down. If your wondering it is $2.99 on iBooks or whatever for iPhone.. Sorry... But if you want me to post another story then tell me which one and I will try and do it... Sorry again I didn't want to delete it I had to other wise I probibly would have gotten into trouble for being a good person.


It's a LAW. You cannot take someone else's work and post it, it's ILLEGAL. You should really check it out because if you're going to continue to post pirated work you could get into a lot of trouble. It's not dumb, I spend months writing, it's my career, how I support my family. NO ONE has a right to take that. You're not being a good person, you're taking money away from hard working authors, you're stealing, it's theft. Don't do it.
            UK copyright punishment: 
            'Upon conviction in the magistrates court the maximum term of incarceration in the UK for copyright infringement is 6 months and/or a "level five" fine of £5,000. Upon conviction in the Crown court the maximum term of incarceration in the UK for physical copyright infringement is 10 years and/or an "unlimited" fine.'
            US punishment: 'Willful copyright infringement can also result in criminal penalties, including imprisonment of up to five years and fines of up to $250,000 per offense.'


Hey guys!!! Fort of all thank you for reading my story! And second of all: I'm In the process of writing "meeting one direction" and I am in need of an editor! Someone who is willing to edit my chapters while I write them. ( so basically you would be able to give me suggestions on the chapter and read the chapters while editing before the chapter is officially posted) I'll give you credit for each chapter that you edit. Also I could use more than one person for a variety of editing styles please and thank you if you do, just post something to my message board and I will have you guys edit at least one chapter and try to include everyone. ~Niallsgurl4evr