
@CaseyMarie7 I never really update, I won't delete, I'll just update less... I'm sorry.


Guys, sorry if I start updating a lot less, okay? Please don't hate me or anything for it, it's just, I've been having nightmares lately, yeah that sounds pretty screwed up and childish, but it's always the exact same one, and I always wake up at the exact same time, crying.
          What always happens is, I dream that I die, and none of my friends care. My boyfriend moves on with his life, everyone in school move on, they all act like I never existed in the first place, like I never meant anything to them.
          But it's a backwards dream, one girl acts like she never cares about me anymore, in real life, then in this nightmare, she cries, she lives in her room, she stops eating, talking to everyone, she stops everything, the only time she leaves her room is when she's going to my grave, and when she does she screams and cries, like her life is living hell without me, but that girl, used to be my only friend, used to be the bestest best friend I've ever had, she was my everything, I was her everything, we were more than sisters.
          And, I know a lot of you know that website, who doesn't? But, I've had to deactivate it lately, I got about 30 questions of hate, in about half an hour, no, I cannot handle that, I now self-harm, because they've made me feel like shit again.
          So like I said, sorry if I start updating less, it's, uh, for a bad cause really. Sorry guys. -Holly.


Hello, I was passing by temperedgrace's account for check ups on her stories etc. and I noticed all this 'copying/stealing' thing going on.  Just wanted to say that I for one believe you, there's tons of stories out there that are similar to others. I like your story btw :) and I noticed the differences so I don't know why people are being immature about the whole thing. I'm sad to see everyone hating on you just for a simple similarity between your story and Paige's. love how you just continued on writing. Ignore the hate, it doesn't mean anything. :)