Have you ever outgrown a character?
In this lowest point of my life, I thought I'd understand Florence of 'The Art of a Woman' again as my eighteen-year old self did, whose snippets I'd repurposed into the sole chapter you see today. The heartache of my two selves can be the same, you see.
But it never came.
Not once, when I was alone, wanting something—anything—to stop the pain, did her voice come back to me. Nor did it offer the escapism it once did; the reprieve only to a writer it can bring. The thought of her brokenness even now fills me up with dread, as if one step to bring me in her headspace was leprosy.
It is a shame. 'The Art of a Woman' is a book I intend to complete nonetheless. I know Florence's story by heart, from start to finish. And I think the world needs to see who she is. But Florence's very soul may forever be lost to me.
I may never do her justice again.
What I can do, however, is write her from other perspectives. Invert the current intention of the story.
'The Art of a Woman,' and its prologue 'The Tiller of Tumult,' will be republished on the 25th of July 2021 (GMT+8). Chapter 1 is coming soon.