
@1D_Crazy_Mania aw thankyou so so much:3 I might re write my imagines on here but put them in a first person view instead. It's much easier to update on here than on YouTube. My writing has improved a lot since then too haha, but what you think? Thank you so much for putting up with me and my insane update schedule haha, it means so much xx


@NiamhStormx3  Lol no problem at all! I would love for the imagines to be on here as a book or something if you want to.  I was obsessed - I kid you not xD It pushed me to read actual fan fiction. And I agree, your writing is even better.


Heyy! I'm starting to get worried because you haven't updated anything at all in over 6 years . You also deleted your social medias (except wattpad), so I just wanted to make sure you're okay . i just wanted to let you know that i loveee all your fanfictions, especially the harry styles image one, and its the best fanfiction i've read in my life!! I was wondering if and when you would be thinking of updating it? If you don't want to that's totally fine as well!! If you end up doing it, maybe end it off with harry proposing to her and then her getting pregnant soon and living an amazing life? Thank you for reading and I hope you're doing well!! xx


hi i've read your harry styles imagines on youtube so many times and i was wondering if you are thinking about finishing them. i know everyday you get the same messages asking for you to continue, but you story got me into reading before, during and after school. because of reading my writing skill level has increased enormously. thank u for reading this stupid little message. all the love x


OMG I have known about you since 2013 when you wrote Harry Styles imagines on YouTube. I subcribed to your channel and when you stopped posting I was so hurt. Then I saw your video about you saying you had Wattpad and got so happy. My fave hurts from smiling so much and I can't wait to read your other works!!☺️☺️❤️❤️


@1D_Crazy_Mania aw thankyou so so much:3 I might re write my imagines on here but put them in a first person view instead. It's much easier to update on here than on YouTube. My writing has improved a lot since then too haha, but what you think? Thank you so much for putting up with me and my insane update schedule haha, it means so much xx


@NiamhStormx3  Lol no problem at all! I would love for the imagines to be on here as a book or something if you want to.  I was obsessed - I kid you not xD It pushed me to read actual fan fiction. And I agree, your writing is even better.