Hello! Do U remember the guy who sent us 10000+ notifications on that one amourhsipping book? The comment we all replied to was “doesn’t everyone ship amourhsippjng, well I don’t” if I remember there was one kid who seemed to be pissing everyone of. Yeah? Well he’s back and someone asked me to recruit everyone who’s been bugged by him to get their revenge. But be warned there will be swearing and LOTS of notifications. It’s totally fine if u don’t wanna do it, We understand 100% but if I do we’ll tag u and the war will begin! Don’t ask, I’m just being used to tell everyone

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@DaShippingQueenXD oh that ppachino guy.. dont worry i maked shut the his fucked up.. i only comented *rock and roll baby lets start the party On*.. then he dont reply my comment ever