Thank you for the vote and for adding “(Not So) Innocent Little Lies” to your reading list! Hope that you’re enjoying it so far and that you stay tuned - I update on Wednesdays :) Your support means a lot to me!
Happy reading,
Lia :)
Hi @LightenTheShadows :) Thank YOU for your very intriguing book! I really like it and am already looking forward to your next update.
(And thanks for letting me know when you update :D)
Hello MariSara here. I just want to thank you for adding 'A Lady's Word' to your reading list. And also thanks for voting on one of the chapters I hope you'll like others as well.
Hi @NiceToCU
Nice to meet you ;)
I just stopped by to thank you for voting on 'I am Isabel' and putting it on your reading list. I appreciate it, every vote is one closer to getting the book some notice, so thanks.