Good morrow. I am hoping to promote my fantasy novel series "Tales of Erets," and, as such, am hoping to give away PDF's of the first four books. If you would be interested, please respond or send me a private message with your email address, and I will send them. I hope that if you like it then you will post a review on Goodreads, but if you do not post a review that's fine, I just want to get the book out there.
A little bit about the series: the magic system of the setting operates, overall, on the idea that "Faith is Magic," thus all practitioners of magic are members of some religion or another. All of the religions are made up for the setting, rather than using real-world religions, but the stories are meant to raise interesting questions about real-world religions and why we believe the way we do.
The setting is medieval fantasy, and, in addition to a focus on faith, has a high focus on medieval politics, and the personal lives of the main characters.
Anyway, please let me know if you have any interest.