Writer by happenstance. Entrepreneur by design. Geek by nature.

Nicholas Kahler is the pen name of an author, entrepreneur, and geek hoping to spare his audience the aggravation of pronouncing his actual name. He grew up in the Pacific Northwest United States, and has made more than a few attempts at finishing something beyond a high school education without getting terminally bored. All of which are still pending.

Despite his lack of advanced education, he has made a stellar living as a cog in the American dream for the last decade, and now plans to exercise his right of choice and do something worth failing for. In addition to his work as a writer, Nicholas also works his ‘day job’ as an angel investor, marketing strategist, success coach, and start-up consultant. He currently lives in the sunshine state with his wife and his daughter, who continue to inspire him on a daily basis.
  • JoinedJuly 25, 2013
