I have decided that once Im done with my Star Wars story I'll begin on finishing up the Sayian Escape story, just in a different book. Don't worry! Your questions will be answered in time!
I have decided that once Im done with my Star Wars story I'll begin on finishing up the Sayian Escape story, just in a different book. Don't worry! Your questions will be answered in time!
I apologize for not making the deadline yesterday, I was busy all week and could not get to the computer. But the final chapter of Power for a Day will come next Sunday, no worries!
Now that we are so far into summer I am realizing that this short story isn't as short as I'd thought. I think I'll save the second short story for next summer. I want to start working on my next long project in honor of Star Wars: The Force Awakens. That's all I'll tell you.
Just to let you guys know, I will be posting the newest summer short story tomorrow!
And I know that Saiyan Escape had some questions that were left unanswered, so a sequel is in the schedule. Be expecting more word with that towards the end of summer.
Hey everyone!
As Saiyan Escape comes to close I am starting to work on a few short stories over the summer. I'll do maybe 3 or 4. They will not be nearly as long as Saiyan Escape was, that took more than half a year. These will only be about 5 chapters long. So keep an eye out!
Disclaimer: I do not own any rights to the Dragonball Universe. This story is just for entertainment purposes only and not for profit. All rights belong to Funimation, Toianimation, Fiju TV and Akira Toryama. (I apologize if I misspelled any of that)