
My favorite thing about writting my stories is that you'll never know If I'm /j or /srs. What will it be today? A lighthearted, full of cussing and funny innuendos story or the most heartbreaking story you've ever read with no signs of getting better. I know as much as you.


hello, can I ask something about this book, I mean among us x reader more chapters or not? and will it be possible for the chapter where the fortegreen x reader is?


@ Vanessa772481   i have not discontinued the book if that's what you mean, lmao. I'm just being busy brainrotting something else that all my time goes to that, but i have not given up on my books! I'm just lazy. As for the fortegreen thing, you can request as mant fortegreens as you want!


My favorite thing about writting my stories is that you'll never know If I'm /j or /srs. What will it be today? A lighthearted, full of cussing and funny innuendos story or the most heartbreaking story you've ever read with no signs of getting better. I know as much as you.


Hello, I just found your work. I am looking forward to it. Btw, do you have any social media that can be followed?


@ heythere1312  hi, you can find me on tumblr, twitter, tik tok, Instagram and deviant art all under the same username as my wattpad. Although I'm more active on tumblr than most.