
Thank you so very much for reading and voting on In the Interlude. I loved seeing my phone's screen lit up with notifications. I hope you enjoyed reading it as much as I enjoyed writing it.


@ FMM2310  Sorry for the late reply!  I absolutely loved it! There aren't too many well written Tom stories out there and I'm always over the moon when I find one. So thank you very much for writing and sharing! =)


@ lostbtweenthelines  I doubt that's true. I think it must be quite hard rewriting a story with a different character than the one that orginally inspired it. If that makes any sense?
          But then again I'm rubbish at writing, so what do I know? 
          In any case, I love your writing and am grateful you're sharing it with me!


Thank you so much for your votes, I really hope you're enjoying my stories xx


Sorry for the late answer. I don't know why but I never seem to see when I have messages. 
            Don't thank me, I'm supposed to be thanking you. You're putting a lot of time and effort into writing and I'm really grateful that I get to read it. I love your stories, so thank you! =)  
            I actually remember starting to read Lion & Lace when I first got on Wattpad but somehow losing the story midway through and not finding it anymore. (I'm somewhat technically challenged in case that hasn't become clear yet.) Therefore I was really happy when I stumbled over it again. 
            So thanks again for writing and sharing your stories. I appreciate it. 


Wow! Thank you for all the votes. I'd love to know which story you enjoyed the most.


@Wingedmonkey28 No, thank you for writing and sharing your stories! I'm having a lot of fun going through your profile and finding so many well written books. 
            Well I haven't read all of them yet so how could I possibly already make that call. 