
My last chapter for The Phoenix, chapter 22, was edited. I changed the ending of the chapter realizing it didn’t fit well with the show. 


IDk if you’re still MIA or even alive ( That was a joke, sometimes people take it wayyyyyyyy to seriously) pls me because all and bless us with your captivating stories.


I’m still here. I promise. I have just been focused on mainly my teen wolf story. I saw you were reading my beautiful twins series, I just don’t have any ideas so it’s in a hiatus 
            But thank you for checking on me 


*pls come back


So I just finished your book ‘Beautiful Twins’ and i’ve never laughed harder then went straight into crying before, like it was a major roller coaster and i literally couldn’t put it down. I read it in one sitting, and I love it! It was so amazing and I’m so excited to start reading the squeal! 
          The only criticism I have is maybe some of the grammar, but that happens, we’re only human. So yeah, really good job, I really loved it!