
@Heyittsme__  Ella had a FEVER I wasn't being tough or trying to insult you I thought you read something I didn't and actually went back thinking I missed something so pump your brakes it's just wattpad and I don't know you so you didn't have to take the time out your day to say this bye


@Nicki0116   Im done with this is dumb and were on the internet arguing cause people don't like my opinion so after this just leave it alone OKAY!


@Heyittsme__  Ella had a FEVER I wasn't being tough or trying to insult you I thought you read something I didn't and actually went back thinking I missed something so pump your brakes it's just wattpad and I don't know you so you didn't have to take the time out your day to say this bye


@Nicki0116   Im done with this is dumb and were on the internet arguing cause people don't like my opinion so after this just leave it alone OKAY!


okay you don't get don't reply to me. N don't try to act tough through online sites cause you look ridiculous n you know how many people assumed Ella could possibly be pregnant n she did give a hint when she said Ella threw up at work. N im pretty sure other people thought the same thing I did