Okay, I don't mean to sound needy or be an attention seeker but I would kinda like to vent so please don't judge.
So I started dance late (13) so I'm fairly new and I don't have many friends. I have two which we will call A and B. I was at a parade and my dance school was in it and I texted B before I left and she was like "I won't be there bc I'm sick and my anxiety is bad." So she wasn't there (I don't think she truly likes me either (I just kinda follow people who talk to me once) and she only talks to me when A is around) and me and A had been texting when I got there, I sent pictures for land marks for her to find us and offered to find her and bring her to the float but she ignored me and I seen (bonus character!) L bringing A to the float (apparently they had been texting and that's why A was so slow texting me and ignoring me) but I was fine bc I thought I finally had someone to talk to (I had been standing by myself until this moment bc all the comp kids are besties and I'm not a comp kid and I'm awkward) but A went to the comp kids (which is fair bc she's a comp kid) so I was kind of sad and acted like I was texting a friend while fighting back tears and (adult bonus character!) K was taking a picture and the only person who called me in to join was someone I hardly talked to but I was only in two out of 20+ pictures. The entire night I was fighting back tears and was trying to act excited even though they all had a cute dance routine that I wasn't in bc I wasn't in the group chat that got sent the tutorial from the teacher. I'm sorry if I sound whiny but it really hurt me.