
i have officially returned almost one year later to continue my love for writing as i have gotten a lot better (i hope) and i have come up with so many more ideas and so many more creative things i am so exited to introduce once i complete my Pin x OC fan fic, Newt x OC fanfic, Peter Parker x OC fanfic, and my Percy Jackson x OC fanfic. All of stories will now be under major editing fixes to make them more appealing to my audience and hopefully make you all come back and want some more. love you all


i have officially returned almost one year later to continue my love for writing as i have gotten a lot better (i hope) and i have come up with so many more ideas and so many more creative things i am so exited to introduce once i complete my Pin x OC fan fic, Newt x OC fanfic, Peter Parker x OC fanfic, and my Percy Jackson x OC fanfic. All of stories will now be under major editing fixes to make them more appealing to my audience and hopefully make you all come back and want some more. love you all


hey y'all sorry for not posting any new chapters. i've had tech week for a current show that i'm in and our opening night was on Friday so i've been very busy. I will try and post new chapters starting tomorrow-thursday and then i'm back to doing shows and getting ready for senior year in highschool. I promise to keep updating stories throughout the school year when i can


Hey guys. So season 4 of stranger things came out and I just finished it (yes i know im really late) so I'm currently editing "His Sunflower" which will now be called "012" also I am so so so so so so sorry for not updating anything. I have just been having a hard time with somethings and I am trying to finish stuff but I have no motivation so please bare with me. I'll do my best. Hope you all have a great day!


Hello guys!
          I am so sorry for not updating anything. I want to apologize for everything. I am going to mainly. focus on one book, and Save me Aris I will be focusing on to finish. I'll be focusing on my Newt x OC book next. I'm so sorry to keep you all waiting. I hope you all can forgive me.