
So I'm addressing another comment i made at one point that I know realise is problematic. Sadly, I do not know what book I commented this on, and I do not know when I commented on it. No one brought this comment to my attention, I just randomly thought of it and realised that it was problematic. 
          	The comment in question is one where i said something along the lines of "Ethan nestor is the second luckiest fan ever. He's only second to daniel howell because dan lives with and is currently in a relationship with his idol, while ethan and his idol are only friends." I have found two issues with this comment. 
          	The first of the two issues I notice right away is that this comment implies that friendship is less of a relationship that being romantically involved with someone. I believe that was intended at the time because 1. I pretty much said exactly that, and 2. I used to believe that romantic relationships were just more of a relationship than friendship, that was my mindset. I now understand that while friendship can lead to romantic relationships, that they are two different types of relationship, and friendship is not less of a relationship than a romantic one, it is just different. 
          	The second issue is that this comment might imply that Ethan wants to date Mark (his Idol). I do not, and I have never believed this to be true. Ethan has stated that he does not think he would ever date a man, and Mark has stated that he is straight. Beyond that, regardless of sexuality, I do not believe that there is any sort of romantic feelings between them, and I have never believed that.  
          	I'm sorry if anyone felt hurt, offended, or invalidated by this comment.  I had a different way of thinking than I do now, and I did not see the issue with this comment while I was writing it, or when I sent it.


If anyone finds something I have written or posted offensive, incorrect, invalidating, or otherwise problematic in any way, please do not be afraid to reach out to me so I can see my mistake and attempt to correct it.  You can reply to the comment or post in question, or you can message me privately about it.  I don't want anyone to feel unsafe/unwelcome on my profile and posts, so if I ever do anything to make you feel that way, please reach out to me so I can change whatever I am doing that makes you feel that way.


So I'm addressing another comment i made at one point that I know realise is problematic. Sadly, I do not know what book I commented this on, and I do not know when I commented on it. No one brought this comment to my attention, I just randomly thought of it and realised that it was problematic. 
          The comment in question is one where i said something along the lines of "Ethan nestor is the second luckiest fan ever. He's only second to daniel howell because dan lives with and is currently in a relationship with his idol, while ethan and his idol are only friends." I have found two issues with this comment. 
          The first of the two issues I notice right away is that this comment implies that friendship is less of a relationship that being romantically involved with someone. I believe that was intended at the time because 1. I pretty much said exactly that, and 2. I used to believe that romantic relationships were just more of a relationship than friendship, that was my mindset. I now understand that while friendship can lead to romantic relationships, that they are two different types of relationship, and friendship is not less of a relationship than a romantic one, it is just different. 
          The second issue is that this comment might imply that Ethan wants to date Mark (his Idol). I do not, and I have never believed this to be true. Ethan has stated that he does not think he would ever date a man, and Mark has stated that he is straight. Beyond that, regardless of sexuality, I do not believe that there is any sort of romantic feelings between them, and I have never believed that.  
          I'm sorry if anyone felt hurt, offended, or invalidated by this comment.  I had a different way of thinking than I do now, and I did not see the issue with this comment while I was writing it, or when I sent it.


If anyone finds something I have written or posted offensive, incorrect, invalidating, or otherwise problematic in any way, please do not be afraid to reach out to me so I can see my mistake and attempt to correct it.  You can reply to the comment or post in question, or you can message me privately about it.  I don't want anyone to feel unsafe/unwelcome on my profile and posts, so if I ever do anything to make you feel that way, please reach out to me so I can change whatever I am doing that makes you feel that way.


I'm attempting to get back into writing again, so we'll see how this goes. I posted a new chapter on both of my books explaining what happened, and how I feel about those books and stories currently. I also have an important question on the depressing truth, so if you read that story, I encourage you to read the new part and answer the question at the end. I may be moving away from sanders sides fanfiction and possibly fanfiction all together with my writing, so if you dont want to read anything else, you can unfollow and there will be no hard feelings. I completely understand moving away from a creator when the type of content they make changes. I go into more detail about what future writing may look like and why im moving away from sanders sides fanfiction in the two chapters I mentioned above. 


I plan on continuing writing, I just have to get over my stupid writers block, and hopefully convince @heckingheck321 to help me write again. Any previous unfinished drafts I had I am going to delete, so I can have a bit of a fresh start on writing. I apologize if anyone had a request for a oneshot. Hopefully I will be able to get back into a schedule again, but it will most likely not be posting a chapter for each book every week.


@Alex-is-little I dont think I need one rn, reese is still my 'official' cowriter and editor on both books.


@IDC-About-This Which book do you need a co-writer on?


 (This is part 1 of 2. The second part will be a reply to this announcement.) So, about 2 weeks ago, an issue with a particular comment of mine was brought to my attention. I have discussed this with the person who had brought it to my attention. However, I had meant to address it publically, but I forgot, and can no longer find the comment in question, so I am going to address it here. The comment in question was one where I had said "consent is sexy'' (or something very similar), and someone had replied saying that consent isn't sexy, it's something necessary in any relationship and for anything to happen. I 100% agree with that statement, and I had no intention of saying that this wasn't the case. However, I now see how the comment implies that I disagree with that statement. As far as I know, saying 'consent is sexy' or 'my kink is consent', or anything along those lines is meant as a bit of a joke and as an argument against people who claim that asking for consent kills the mood. (Please note that I may be wrong, but this was my intent behind the comment and any comments of a similar nature) Because unfortunately, people actually use that as an argument in an attempt to get out of asking for consent. Saying the phrases I mentioned above are also meant to be a bit of a jab at people who use the above argument.


@alexkittelson I love you too. And yeah, I really do


@IDC-About-This i love you so so so so so so much. Also babe, you need sleep


(This is part 2 of 2.) I by no means believe that consent is something that is just 'sexy', or 'hot', or anything less than a necessary part of any relationship. I apologize to anyone who has seen this comment or any comments of a similar nature from myself that caused them to believe that was my view on consent. If, in the future, anyone finds a comment of mine that they find problematic, please do not be afraid to message me/reply to my comment. I am more than willing to explain what I meant by that comment and/or listen to another point of view on a subject, and possibly change my opinion. As I've said before (and this goes for any matter that I mention, not just ones I add this too), I will happily discuss this with you as long as you remain respectful of me and the fact that my opinion is different. You do not have to agree with me or my statement, but you do have to be respectful if you want me to even look at your message/comment about the issue. (I apologize if that last sentence had a harsh tone to it. If there is one, it is not intentional, I just strongly believe in my stance on respect.)


Also, I realise that I havent posted anything about Black Lives Matter on here. I am in FULL support of the protests and the Black Lives Matter. I will post some resources here within a week (I hope) that people can go to to help the movement.


There seems to be a lot of drama with RemRom in the fandom right now. Usually I do my best to stay out of drama, but I feel that I need to say this (again). So apparently someone on tumblr had asked joan something about RemRom, and Joan had said something about it not being okay for them to be shipped. In response, Joan got a lot of hate, and is now taking a break. Apparently Thomas had also said its not ok to ship RemRom. Now, I am well aware that this isny going to make RemRom shippers stop shipping. So I am saying this again, RemRom shippers are welcome on my account, and do not have to hide their opinions on it or just stay silent. Any hate, towards anyone, whether it's related or not will be deleted and they will be reported. As long as RemRom shippers respect the fact that some people are entirely uncomfortable with the ship, and remain respectful, they are welcome here just as much as anyone else. Now, for anyone that doesn't ship RemRom, as long as you are respectful of the fact that some people do, regardless of your opinion, you are welcome as well. If anyone has an issue with my opinion on this, you can either leave, or you can RESPECTFULY talk to mr about it. If I get hate messages, or people yelling at me, that person will be ignored, deleted, and reported. You can leave a respectful comment asking to talk, or message me. I am more than willing to discuss this matter with anyone civily. As long as you remain civil, respectful, and mature, I will do my best to do the same.


@Ciel_Phantomhive8789 I'm not that cool, I'm just fed up with hate and death threats


Waaaaow, you’re so cool Nico
            You’re like a nice Kyoya