
I have been non-existent for the past few months which is unforgivable... in my defence though, I had... things. Anyways, MCR is back!!! I never thought that would happen lol. Also... I'll back. For good. Love you all (if you're still here)


Oh hey, fellow MCR fan.


Ok guys I'm back home which obviously means updates. But while I was in school, for the five days leading up to Nico Di Angelo's birthday, I wrote a chapter of a five-shot entitled Immortals. I am done with it so I was wondering if y'all wanted to read it. If you do, I'll just put it up here like in two days it'll be done. If you don't I'll just recycle it for next year Nico celebrations. What do you think?


@seasidebible Well, the first chapter is up. The fanfic is titled Immortals.


@NicoDiAngeloismybby Anything Nico do Angelo related I am up for it


Back to school vibes...
          Can I just fake being sick? Nah the only thing worse than going back to school is going back to school after everyone else.
          Welp. See you all in 6 months (yes I am actually saying this is a hiatus. My school allows no form of contact with the outside world-part from mail-and this includes phones and technological devices)
          Bali!! <3


Bye, we’ll miss you ^^