Dungeons and Dragons.
Introducing Nico Rhouphys Lynn.
Overpowered and immortal with a catch.
He's allowed in tournaments because of his game play dynamic.
Even though he can't be killed, everyone else dying in the party is deemed a loss.
His turns are played with 12 D20s and a coin to decide yes or no to him actually doing what the D20s determine.
Six D20s are red, determining action with the blue determining power.
His base power level is a multiplying factor of one per 10 levels.
He's currently at level 51 with a power determined by the blue D20s multiplied by 5.1 when not enraged.
If a player that is his "charge" is attacked, he goes into a fit of rage. The coin is not used and the numbers of the blue D20s are multiplied by 50, then again by 5.1
We've won matches because the opponent's first move was to attack the weakest character.
Nico's charge.
Four of the red D20s landed on 11. Meaning that Nico ripped the player's character apart. The other 2 reds hit 1 each, meaning a simple speed boost with the wings. The 6 blue D20s landed on 17, 2, 20, 10, 16 and 13. Attack power level total of 78.
In rage mode the power level is multiplied ×50. His attack power upon retaliation was 3,900.
Since his base power is a multiplying factor of 5.1. this was his retaliation power.
78×5.1⁵⁰=19,890 attack power.
The opponent's character was obliterated and it was a permanent character death tournament where your character can never be used in any future event games if they die.
After retaliating. My character personally guards his charge for four more turns. Meaning: roll the D20s, no coin flip and reduce the multiplier by 1 each subsequent turn until his rage is gone (five turns total.)
He's free to attack for five turns and you'd better hope that your party exceeds 8 people, because I only run with 6.