I am your follower and i readed your story about Jungkook an G-Dragon, "Sadist next door".
I love it.
There aren't fanfic about them in my language so I'm really really happy for your stroy. I really like all that happened to Kookie and Ji and how story evolves.
I like how you write the characters and the events.
Sorry for my very bad english, I am italian, and I am good only to understand it.
I write you cause I want to ask you if I can translate your story into italian. Obviously I will write that is only a translation and the story is your and i will cite you in every chapter like the author. I really like your fic and i think that other people need to read it too. I will publish the story on this site and, if you want it in on another italian site too.
The other site will be EFP, my nick it's the same. I will do the same things that i will do on this with cite you, write the original site of the fic etc. I will tell/ask you for everythings.
All the credits to the author.
I hope you will agree.
Sorry again for my english.
I'm your fan and I can not wait to read other chapthers!! Uptade soon!