
I have nothing to say anymore about people other that this is too far. 
          	Just too far.


this message may be offensive
Tagged by Lunar_Kote 
          1.weird fact about you
          2. Favorite food
          Any fruit but bananas
          3. First fandom 
          FNAF, the afton family
          4. Best friends
          I don't have many friends soo skip!
          5. lock screen
          6. Favorite OTP
          don't have one
          7. Birthday 
          Not saying the date or year, but it's in February….maybe
          8. Five fears
          -losing my brothers 
          -being the disappointment I am
          -letting people in 
          -not having a my headphones
          9. What I look like
          5'4" blackish brown hair black eyes,  dark skinned and "skinny" ( absolute bullshit I'm fat and I know it, no matter what others say)
          10. Favorite song
          I don't really listen to music I prefer podcast specifically, the Misfits
          11.why I made my account
          To get away from the harsh reality that is my life 
          12. Favorite character
          Don't have one. I have too many I relate to emotionally, and others I quite simply adore.
          13. 20 tags, 
          1 @Shy_Shy1077
          3 @Communism_
          4 @-bakugouou
          5 @Sojastars
          6 @Confidential_Artist
          7 @LuciiPL22
          8 @IzzyOverwhelmed
          9 @anime_shrillix_
          10 @Nathaliegachalifeand
          11 @OtakuBITCH98765
          12 @Enticessi
          13 @appliepi
          14 @iSimpButWhoDosent
          15 @cetroie
          16 @Anime_Bitcx
          17 @disfujoshiluvsyaoi
          18 @Glaceonlover6
          19 @angerissuesasaperson
          20 @i_hate_life_lol