
@SarahCoury no no No nnnnoooooo no no no no


Okay. So my first story that I had written on here was hacked/edited by someone. How do I know this? They described solomon in a way I never imagined him being and everything in that portion just felt...wrong. I told everyone I would end the story, but truth is, I regret it. I think I have decided to completely re-write the story except for the first few intro chapters about the families. And just an FYI I started this story my seventh grade year, two years ago, and I still love the ideas so please, bear with me on this, I will try to update more often. Thanks :)


@Scribbles92 honey, it's an honor to read your stories. They're always amazing! I can look back at mine and want to shoot myself but never yours. I truthfully look to you for inspiration I can find it everywhere in you stories! So thank you for writing them. (They're some of the only stories I stick with) DONT STOP WRITING!!!


@nichapps Awww, thank you :) Your stories are good, you just have to be patient with them!  I certainly am enjoying Forever Yours