
It'd be more fun to write, but here I am, bullshitting my way through college homework.



Hi! I just have to say that Of the Sea was amazing!!! I couldn't stop reading it. When I finally reached the end, I just.. I wished it didn't end. I want to know if Morgan will come back! That Astrid will get her man back. The ending was really good!!!!


Just wanted to let you know that of the sea was the first book that I have read in a while because I haven’t been interested in books lately and all though there are questions I have and I’d love for you to go more in depth with the romance and back story of Morgan I absolutely loved it! It’s beautiful written and I’d love this as a series if you choose to do so . Fantastic job


Take your time! School is more important than my addiction to the book lol. But keep up the great work!


@Shannon302947 Thank you so much! It was very much a rough draft, and I'm currently working on editing in between school work.