@wordwan I totally agree with your words and oh you're right we could talk hours about this topic and we wouldn't finish it.
So when you say Conan Doyle is John and we all are "John" doesn't that mean that there must be a Sherlock for every John out there?? As I said John wouldn't be the same without Sherlock and Sherlock not without John. The last thought is that there is just one sociopath human that is as annoyed/ bored without work, as excited about a victime that left a note and as complicated to deal with....and that IS Sherlock. Sherlock is unique in the universe. Doese this make John unique too??
By the way...I'm just curious which shipper are you?? Johnlock, Sherlolly, Sherene??
If you need something or you just want to talk...leave me a comment ^^
See you