
Do not live giving explanations. Your friends do not need it. Your enemies do not believe them and stupid people do not understand them. If some people turn away from you, do not be sad ... it is God's response to so many times that you asked him. " free us from all evil ..


Hola, buenas. No es mi intención molestarte. Te invito cordialmente a visitar mi perfil y leer alguna de mis historias, y si es de tu agrado, agradecería muchísimo que me siguieras o me dieras tu apoyo y votaras por ella. Y si tienes tiempo, me encantaría saber tu opinión sobre mi historia.
          Gracias por tu atención :)
          Te envío saludos y un abrazo :3


@ sr2poetisa  awww si mucho gusto conocerte y si hare lo que me pides 


Do not live giving explanations. Your friends do not need it. Your enemies do not believe them and stupid people do not understand them. If some people turn away from you, do not be sad ... it is God's response to so many times that you asked him. " free us from all evil ..


the friendships that I thought were durable were not first ask me at least what is what happens to me if you know me, look deeper to know the reality of what happens believe me I suffered a lot pretend a smile that was not true knowing the lies that you They hid me and I stopped talking to you one day or did not take me with you, so do not come and say that you are the only one who has suffered and I do not want to have her in my life. The only thing they do is hurt me


She sat alone
          Alone and at home
          Where her screams were silent
          But her mind was violent
          Her insercurities hid deep inside
          And they did indeed eat her alive
          A tear rolled down her face
          As her heart began to race
          She took her blade and tore her skin,
          Where her depression lied deep within
          This went on for days,months,years
          And until she cried her very last tears
          She decide that she had enough 
          The world around her was much too tough
          She took a gun to her head
          Congratulations society
          She is dead