not gonna lie i'm not doing good guys. probably won't write for a couple of months, not that I've actually written anything actually deemed worthy of publishing to anyone. idk. I think I'm in a weird transitionary period of my life where i'm stuck with all different options and Idk what to choose and how it'll affect me but yeah.
I took down my other STRJ book – I'm not happy with it. I don't think I'm going to write a sequel or whatever to STRJ because it's just not worth it like I don't think it needs a sequel you know? i think it's one of those books that are meant to be by themselves rather than apart of something else. it just seems better that way. come @ me if you disagree. message me. let's talk.
i'm focusing on me and my mental + physical health first before I even attempt at writing fictional character's. send me book recommendations if you feel like it, i'd appreciate and love you forever.