
Ink beast, cloaked in blood amongst bodies.
          	Smoking blood pours from torn wounds, 
          	burns the ones who made them,
          	burns the self- charring blackened skin. 
          	A scream ripped from a decades silent mouth, 
          	A command, a plea. 
          	He prepared for death on those dripping teeth, 
          	and instead found history repeated. 
          	War In Embers Chapter 25: Grief
          	TOMORROW 12PM MST


Ink beast, cloaked in blood amongst bodies.
          Smoking blood pours from torn wounds, 
          burns the ones who made them,
          burns the self- charring blackened skin. 
          A scream ripped from a decades silent mouth, 
          A command, a plea. 
          He prepared for death on those dripping teeth, 
          and instead found history repeated. 
          War In Embers Chapter 25: Grief
          TOMORROW 12PM MST


I've been working a lot on Peace In Ashes lately, and it's got me thinking about covers. PIA's isn't ready to tease just yet, but it put me down the path of War In Embers' cover history. After so many years, it's time for something new. 
          New is here, and it takes the form of Three Bloody Brothers. 
          I hope you all enjoy looking at the striking white teeth of the Morozov brothers as much as I have enjoyed drawing them these past few days. 
          Proudly Yours, 
          - N


- On the Development of Future Projects - 
          As many of you may know, War In Embers has been fully completed as of May 23rd, 2024, and is projected to be fully released by April 18th, 2025. However I have not been idle with these past few months, nor do I intend to be for the rest of WIE's posting period. 
          It is with great excitement that I would like to announce progress towards two upcoming novels. 
          Peace In Ash, is the second and final book to the Lycans Story duology, of which War In Embers is the first novel. As of the 25th of August, the initial outline for Peace In Ash has been completed, and the novel is projected to be finished completely by June of 2025. It will provide a follow-up to the events of WIE, and without giving too many spoilers, will show that the intensity of the war within that we all fight can match that of the war without. 
          To fill the gap between the end of War In Embers being posted and the start of Peace In Ash being posted, I have a second project that I am equally excited to announce. 
          Seed of the Second Son is a historical fantasy taking place in the same universe War In Embers is based out of, and details the royal lineage of a lycan family and their complex history of birth, legacy, fertility, family, and war, near 500 years prior to the events of War In Embers. Seed of the Second Son is set to be my NaNoWriMo project this year, and is projected to be fully completed by early April, just in time to take over as WIE ends. 
          Further updates on major milestones concerning both projects (such as drafts, major revisions, updated outlines, and final editing) will be made as they occur, as well as the release of certain promotional and teaser materials. 
          I can't wait to show you all what I've been working on, and hopefully you all are just as excited to read it. 
          Productively yours, 
          - N


A mouth empty and aching with desire.
          A desire to fill with glorious red guilt.
          Teeth clamp down on tongue, 
          fills the chasm with yawning silence. 
          She signed away the bareness of her neck. 
          In return, an aching heart and allegiance she could never abide 
          writ large across her skin. 
          War In Embers Chapter 18: The Mark 
          TOMORROW 12PM MST


He looked for guilt in the powder on their hands. 
          It had never been there. 
          Rejection was where it had been born. 
          The empty spaces between people. 
          Now, guilt lived in the blood on his knuckles,
          The flashing smile after. 
          And the righteousness that tricked him into doing it. 
          War In Embers Chapter 17: Forced Entry 
          TOMORROW 12PM MST


Apologies for the WIE chapter update being a few hours late today. The auto-publishing feature on Wattpad for some reason didn't put it out and the alarm I keep set weekly to check and ensure that the chapter has gone out on time didn't ring as I silenced it all for a movie I saw earlier in the week. Chapter 14 is available now and I will do everything in my power to ensure that no chapters are late by even a minute going forward. Thanks to my lovely readers for your patience. I really do appreciate it in moments like this where it seems the stars have aligned to make sure things don't go according to plan. 
          Apologetically yours, 
          - N


The dark curls of her hair floated listlessly in the calm, gently lapping water of the frigid lake. 
          With her eyes closed, he could mistake her concentration for peace. 
          When they snapped open, the illusion shattered like ice. 
          Her nails bit into his frozen skin and smeared blood across the planes of his body. 
          Still he held her beneath the water, and watched it churn and boil as she fought him. 
          Even as her lips grew pale in the water, he thought of love. 
          He'd loved her once. 
          He wouldn't make that mistake again. 
          War In Embers Chapter 13: Pride 
          TOMORROW 12PM MST

          Teaser Text:


this message may be offensive
The ax-head gleamed in sharp moonlight. 
          Her intentions were sharper. 
          He understood them well. 
          Their hands lay upon the haft of the ax together, both firm. 
          Could she kill for her own sake? 
          Could she kill for her brother? 
          He would deserve it if she did. 
          The first swing of the ax was a disaster. 
          One that ended with pebbles and confliction and a mouth warmed with hate. 
          War In Embers Chapter 12: Bonding Pain
          TOMORROW 12PM MST