
Chapter 1 of 30 Days in Ibom is out!
          	I'm excited for you all to read it.



Hello everyone!
          I am so sorry I have been MIA these past few months. School happened and I had to pour all my focus into it and leave Wattpad. Now that I'm done with exams I'm back now and ready to continue with my story!
          There will be a few changes in See No More: the title has now been changed to 30 Days in Ibom as well as some few tweaks in the storyline. I'll be updating the chapters very soon so please be patient.
          All my love!



Good morning from this side of the world!
          I'm excited to announce that I will be releasing another book soon. I've been working on it for a while and can't wait to share it with you all. I hope you'll enjoy it as much I did writing it.
          Stay tuned.
          P.S: Check of my book Way of The Pride while you're at it. Thank you!


Today I've finally finished writing my first book!
          It took a lot of time and energy, almost felt like giving up on the story together but I'm glad I persevered.
          I hope you all would enjoy my story and continue to support me.
          Thank you!