I’m so freaking mentally checked out at this point. I’m having to do school virtually, and of course I’m in math right now and have been for an hour, my mom has COVID and since I’m at my dad’s, I’m CONSTANTLY being texted by her and texting her just makes me so mentally frustrated and exhausted and she doesn’t get it so I’m ignoring her and SHE JUST KEEPS TEXTING ME and I’m TIRED. Not because I didn’t get any sleep. I actually got the perfect amount of sleep, but I can’t focus on my school, just sucks because I’m in Precalc and chemistry for today’s classes. And I’m just so freaking STRESSED. I’m literally ignoring both my mom and my sister and it’s making me more and more stressed because my mom is constantly sending me FREAKING EMOJIS. She doesn’t have to keep on messaging me. Is it bad I want her to just STOP for the rest of the week? She’s not around me much unless she wants me to do something for her. Is it bad I want to just close my computer? It sucks that my home life is effecting my school life. I have chemistry in 25 minutes and I’m just gonna tell my teacher “I might be here on the zoom, but I’m really stressed from some personal issues so I’m not going to retain really any of this” and hope she just lets me go.
I don’t want to do school today, but I’m already failing one class and almost failing three others. (Failing grades for me are anything less than a 70 and for the school I go to, certain grades under a 75 are considered failing)