
Hello internet friends, I've decided I no longer am interested in editing or reviewing. I had my fun, but I'd like to lurk. Maybe post something? Who knows! For some reason I find reading stories on Wattpad very inspirational to my own writing.


@NightFeather6 Hurrah, and hello! It's been a while. I sincerely look forward to seeing you share some of your own work here, if you ever feel inclined. Keep lurking! :o)


@NightFeather6 You’re back!!! It’s good to see you! (and lurking/having fun reading stories is 100% valid on here)


Hello internet friends, I've decided I no longer am interested in editing or reviewing. I had my fun, but I'd like to lurk. Maybe post something? Who knows! For some reason I find reading stories on Wattpad very inspirational to my own writing.


@NightFeather6 Hurrah, and hello! It's been a while. I sincerely look forward to seeing you share some of your own work here, if you ever feel inclined. Keep lurking! :o)


@NightFeather6 You’re back!!! It’s good to see you! (and lurking/having fun reading stories is 100% valid on here)


Nearly a full year of "being back". Facepalm. Well, I've enjoyed checking out Wattpad every few weeks nonetheless :-) and it's fun picking through different stories. Sure, most of the time it feels like I'm wading through a dump (the joys of tween writing... gotta start somewhere, and i salute those who write at all! o7), but occasionally I'll find a true gem. Makes the trudge through the stink worth the effort. And I've obviously loved keeping up with the authors I follow. 
          To all authors, keep writing! Even if you start out a little awkward, you'll eventually find your footing and blossom. And remember: even if you don't get recognized, it doesn't mean your writing isn't good. Unfortunately, a lot of bad writing gets praised (looking at the After series and 50 Shades -_-) and good writing is forced to sit behind the curtain, like an unappreciated understudy despite being better than the (undeserving) lead on stage. 
          Don't let the size of your audience or lack of stars or views discourage you. The worth of art isn't determined by its popularity.


Hey @nightfeather6, 
          I hope that you have had a good seasonal break, and that you are doing okay, and are in a much better place now. 
          I'm just stopping by to thank you once again for your support of my work, despite my being exceptionally slow to finish writing it. I am still referring to your review regularly, and it is still as helpful to me as it was when you first published it.
          Wishing you a happy and healthy 2023, and I hope your dreams move a step closer to becoming reality. 


Aw, thanks so much. I'm really glad to hear that you are doing okay. 
            I've had a short run of inspiration, energy and time to spend writing over the past few weeks, and I've found myself shifting forward quite nicely. Hopefully when you dip in over the coming months you'll occasionally find something new from me.
            I agree, that like fine wine, the best stories take time to settle and age before they are worth experiencing. :o)
            Wattpad snails! Lol. I like it. Should be an awards here under that name. 
            Look after yourself. 


@RicBlow This message was so sweet and kind I may need to go to the dentist to check for cavities! ;) (Bad joke, I am not known for my comedic abilities lol.) 
            Break went well! How about you? Still working hard on improving my health and now getting to work. Wattpad once again ended up on the back burner.  >_<  My goal is to log onto Wattpad at least once every 1-3 weeks this year, even if it's just to read something/remind myself that it exists. 
            I'm so happy it's still considered helpful :D This is genuinely an honour and meaningful to read that. Fans will always value Quality > Speed, and slow progress is better than no progress. I commend you for being patient with yourself and not giving up! It's very inspiring to see. I'm pretty slow for keeping up with Wattpad, so you're not alone in it. We can be snails together lol. 
            I hope you have a happy and healthy 2023 as well! I'm really looking forward to seeing where you take your story this year. 


Hello everyone, I have returned! Going to start reviewing things again. A story once a week or once every two weeks is my current goal.


@NightFeather6 Nice to see you back! Take it easy... :o)


And thank you for all the support in the last post. I appreciate all the kind comments that were left. I am doing much better now and am excited to start again.


i must admit defeat and go on hiatus due to poor health. please take care of your health (both mental and physical!), and don't let things drag on because it'll catch up to ya eventually.


@RicBlow  @littlesilverwren @sophdaloafhehe thank you for all the sweet messages! <3


@NightFeather6 Only just spotted this update. 
            I'm a bit late to join the thread, but I hope that you are doing well. It's been a crazy couple of years, regardless of all the normal human stuff that wears us down, chews us up, and spits us out the other side with bad hair, a headache and no money. Just to say how appreciated you are around these parts, but your health is more important than any writing project on Wattpad, or indeed your university course.
            Sleep, rest, laugh, love, and heal.


@NightFeather6 Oh dear - please get plenty of rest!


hiiii~ just wanna hop on and announce that i have NOT abandoned Wattpad, turns out higher level uni courses are very time-intensive ಠ_ಠ  that being said, i will be dedicating my thursday afternoons to working on reviews since i've settled into a school rhythm now! (^ᴗ^)


I hope things are still going ok with your studies. Please take care of yourself!


Sooooo, I've gotten two submissions in a row that have 20+ chapters. Since my reviews are meant for people who are in the early stages of their works, I've edited the "length" section of my guidelines to cap it at 10 chapters. or is 10 too short? maybe 12? lmk what you think. 
          i'm still only reading the first 5 chapters, but I really want to help give suggestions early on and help catch any major technical mistakes (grammar/punctuation/etc) sooner rather than later, so I think allowing books with a max number of chapters would help hone in my target audience. i would really hate for someone to have to edit 30 chapters worth of material, yknow?
          just a little update :)


Hey so uh... I'm back. And I want to review books again! I did it a lot back in 2011-2014, and I'd like to do it again because it was fun. Plus I'm thinking of becoming an editor. See this for details:


oh and I'm going to go back and do some reviews of old requests in the meantime. i have a feeling new requests aren't exactly going to be rolling in any time soon.