@bethierawrr hey sorry it took so long for me to reply, but my little sister died 3 weeks ago :'( I still can't believe she's gone, she was only 7 and was the cutest thing in the world. :'( :'( I loved her with all my heart, and all people keep saying is 'you'll be okay, and she's forever in my heart', but my heart isn't going to fill the Rosella-shaped void in my life. We did everything together, and it's so hard to go anywhere without her. I miss her, with everything I have. D': D':
sorry for troubling you with this, but I needed to tell you why I hadn't been on for a while.
Oh My God! I'm sorry about your Grandad, but I'm not going to give you the 'you'll get through it' crap, because thats all it is. Crap. I am sorry about it though, and I know life gets harder especiallly when you're close.
(costumes) awesome, you got pictures? I'd love to see them, you know, to try and make myself happy, with your help of course.
and wattpad is addicting, very addicting.
and who cares, there are worse things in life than stealing