
wow, hi. Never thought id make away back here. last time i logged in was in March after my dog died. Now? well, I just got cheated on in a six-year relationship, that i had plans to be in for the rest of my life. things change. I have changed for the better, or at least somewhat. I am heartbroken, and even more that I don't think I'll ever be able to love like I did once. it honestly sucks.


wow, hi. Never thought id make away back here. last time i logged in was in March after my dog died. Now? well, I just got cheated on in a six-year relationship, that i had plans to be in for the rest of my life. things change. I have changed for the better, or at least somewhat. I am heartbroken, and even more that I don't think I'll ever be able to love like I did once. it honestly sucks.


I haven’t been able to work on stuff recently, haven’t been very ‘creative.’ Nor very happy because I’m having to deal with mouth issues I had in the past. Hoping to get them solved in the next three weeks, unless they can get me in sooner. (Which I’m going on a trip with my mom to visit family next week.)  but I’m hoping to do some writing while I’m there. So wish me luck! Xoxox -Cherri via mom :) 


So, this week I start a second ever job, so yay! Sadly I will be going to the doctors too. Getting check for a kidney disease. Which sucks bc it might lead to surgery for it. I’ve been having pain for the past two weeks and other problems involving it. So let’s pray it’s not as bad as what I think it is. 


So I’ve been wanting to get my head back into writing. And I thought I’d make a Markiplier short story. Just wonder how many people would be interested in it. I only will post them once I finish all chapters which will only be 10. I thought it would be a nice way to get back into it. Especially since that mainly one of my talents is to write about mark apparently. But like I said let me know what you think! I have another surgery on the 2nd but I’ll be working on it a bit before hand so. Wish me luck! Love mom :) xoxo 


Hello peoples! It’s Cherri The surgery went well but I’m pretty sure that once I have this appointment that I will be having another. I’ve been in more pain than ever the past two weeks than I ever had. I’ve been worried so much about it. I’ll be having an appointment sometime this week or next. Appointments are backed up for months so we can hope I get in.