@NightOwl8479 2.) I’m just going to lay out your entire interaction and comment history to Lila outside of your personal message board.
First time you asked about her criticism rule (all direct quotes)
“Isn’t some criticism good though? Doesn’t it help alittle to see if something is “wrong” in a story?”
(Which was answered, but you never acknowledged it. Then 2 months later)
“Isn’t criticism sometimes good? Criticism helps writers to fix little things, why something “bothered” them?”
(Which Lila pointed out that you had already asked that and she had already answered. Kindly redirecting you to where you could find the answer she had given you that you had disregarded. To which all you had to say was)
“I did? I don’t remember lol”
(But even then, 8 months after the second time. You then asked for a third time)
“But isn’t any criticism kind of a good thing?”
(And note here that you were asking about her criticism rule because two hours later without waiting for if she would accept criticism or why she doesn’t, you make a criticism comment saying)
“Should post the warning on the top of the story not the bottom”
(You do not tell an author what to do in their own book. Especially after reading their criticism rule and knowing they don’t accept criticism. But even then after the first criticism comment, you decide to make a second one saying)
“Second? Isn’t it now the third not second?”
(Which that didn’t even need correcting in the first place)