!!ANNOUNCEMENTS!! Good evening I'm sorry I have been so absent on here, again I would like to say that I am a full-time college student and my classes have just taken up a very large portion of my time but I will be putting out chapters and more stories that I have been working on in my free time even if they are just small one-shot stories its helped the plot bunnies have their way haha. But I am ok and just busy so no need to be very worried if anything I might make a discord soon for any updates or sneak peeks but to also build a community where we can share our stories and ideas but that's just a thought for now and I may see it through after my semester finishes. But until then best wishes and stay safe!

I would also like to add that all my announcements are the same on here and on quotev since I do have some friends on here that use both so please don't be very surprised if you see the same thing twice.