
Hi my fellow readers! So a idea just popped into my head, for a new book and its honestly been on my mind for awhile, and was what you guys thought about me making a one shot, or a imagines book of Sebastian's characters? If you guys would interested, in reading that book at all, especially since he did a disabled character which I think is pretty cool. Especially since, I just found out a few months that I have autism. Which can make it hard for me to write, when I get burnt out. Which is why i need some fresh ideas. And I'd  love to hear your guys ideas. <3


Hi my fellow readers! So a idea just popped into my head, for a new book and its honestly been on my mind for awhile, and was what you guys thought about me making a one shot, or a imagines book of Sebastian's characters? If you guys would interested, in reading that book at all, especially since he did a disabled character which I think is pretty cool. Especially since, I just found out a few months that I have autism. Which can make it hard for me to write, when I get burnt out. Which is why i need some fresh ideas. And I'd  love to hear your guys ideas. <3


I just posted a new marvel book, about Bucky if anyone wants to take a read and let me know what y’all think so far? And I will try to update more, I have just been struggling with writers block and it sucks. But I’m trying to find new idea to get back into writing, I’m hoping this new story about feelings and accepting who you are, and the things that you can’t change.

Night_Watcher22 I plan on updating this book and the one of Peter Hale soon, along with all my other books. But I was wondering if anyone would mind check this book out, to let me know what you guys think and if anything needs changed? But I seriously am so grateful for all the reads on my books that I have. Thank you guys so much, your reads mean a lot:)


Hi there
          Sorry for posting but I just published my first story please check it out I do read 4 read and follow for follow so if you're interested please comment on my board 
          Let's support each other


Hi. It’s completely fine. I will take a look at it and either of those or both is fine by me.