
          	I haven’t been here in m o n t h s
          	so some updates:
          	-still more active on quotev
          	-got a Twitter and Instagram : @birdieteabagtwt and,,, I forgot it oof
          	-got an amino, usually on OLA and Dragon Raja Amino
          	- got sucked into more fandoms: Dragon Raja, Forbidden Siren/Siren aka a bunch of horror games, Obey Me! Shall We Date?, Love Nikki, Princes of the Night, Destined Memories, Mystic Messenger and a bunch of other dating sims, as well as Persona Series
          	so yeah, i’m still improving my art, if I get the motivation to start back up my Wattpad acc I might do an art book again :P


          I haven’t been here in m o n t h s
          so some updates:
          -still more active on quotev
          -got a Twitter and Instagram : @birdieteabagtwt and,,, I forgot it oof
          -got an amino, usually on OLA and Dragon Raja Amino
          - got sucked into more fandoms: Dragon Raja, Forbidden Siren/Siren aka a bunch of horror games, Obey Me! Shall We Date?, Love Nikki, Princes of the Night, Destined Memories, Mystic Messenger and a bunch of other dating sims, as well as Persona Series
          so yeah, i’m still improving my art, if I get the motivation to start back up my Wattpad acc I might do an art book again :P


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ho fu-
          i haven't been on here since august
          so some things :
          -more active on quotev (its @nightmaredotnet)
          -been sucked into more fandoms (dx2 liberation even more & hermitcraft [yes, the mc server])
          -more busy with school work
          -trying to finish designing my characters
          -found out that i might have maladaptive daydreaming due to daydreaming 24/7
          -busy on thursday all day, bc school, 2 classes of music and 1-2 classes of dance in a row nonstop does some shit to you
          -so yeah


uffda, I haven't posted since may-
          some updates:
          -broken up with a friend
          -started working on my comic (kinda, it's still a draft in quotev)
          -school themed dnd campaign was a bust
          -I think that's it.
          -oh wait i have a catchphrase (kinda), it's uffda (i think it's the oof of the wolves in animal crossing)


what like h-how
          there's a glitch on elsword where the costumes are taken off your character for no apparent reason
          like i went to my laby acc yesterday and she didn't have her costume on, only her inner gear
          i thought that it was a new outfit, buT NOPE
          then today i went on my ain acc, but i saw with with a dopey looking outfit on 
          it was the gear, not a new outfit! all of my accs costumes are gone and k-ching makes no sense man


oh god 
          i watched MPGIS: the shoot-out (p5 Last Surprise Meme) by sillyfudgemonkeys
          and it is real funny. (so say the least)
          like, the blonde haired barbie doll is practically Ann on a bad day, the french barbie doll is yusuke(?), and the other blonde haired may have either been makoto or ryuji maybe


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oh my
          i haven't been on this acc for a while
          sooo, kasumi is the bomb.
          i like kasumi, but weirdly enough SJWs are trying to "fix" kasumi's PT design.
          like?? she's a gymnast???
          i don't wear leotards very often (only for photos for dancing) but man, SJWs are fucking over-reacting.
          do SJWs have some problem?? i think they haven't even played the game because of them not complaining about the swimsuits from the little scene where the PT goes to the beach, or even p3 and p4 with the... battle panties.
          no one in the world goes "huBBa HUBBa" when some girl in a swimsult goes to the beach with legs exposed. like, wtf??
          kasumi is a gymnast. gymnasts in real life wear leotards. kasumi wears a leotard, which triggers SJWs into changing her design. her thighs are the main reason why SJWs are trying to push ATLUS into changing her design. 
          doesn't SJWs know that the main theme of p5 is rebelling against society? 
          kasumi wears the leotard because 1) she is a gymnast, which translates into her PT design (i.e yusuke has goemon, which makes his PT design look a bit like a samurai [samurai learn calligraphy as part of their training] in a mix of artist) and 2)she wears it because of p5's theme of rebelling against society.(by using the scientific method and the PT) she rebells against society for either ridiculing her for being a gymnast or some unknown variable (probably the unknown thing, because of that one scene in the trailer that showed up on psound bomb 2019 where a boy/man holds kasumi's wrist and protag kun goes to stop him)
          i thought women could wear anything that they want to wear, and SJWs, it's not the 1900s.
          so to all SJWs, no. kasumi is good.


i heard that cristali (an animator & youtuber) was recently arrested bc he was a child predator and that he.. uh opened up a patreon for r18
          he was arrested for:
          child pornography
          tracing (art)
          pornography of other animators' characters (rossali, wolfichu, etc.)
          illegal use of characters (eh?? animators characters were not copyrighted but???)
          and more. i think. i got this information from Nawnii, another animator and youtuber.
          i was waiting for the dr, phil man
          so he got sent to the ranch big time