
I'm playing though Half Life Alyx for the first time rn, I'm realizing Y/n's tele-glove is just Alyx's gravity glove lmaoooo


Hey man no pressure or anything you alright? I know everyone has a life it's just been a minute


@Nighteous_II Your welcome man, I hope everything gets better for you, and take your time I'm sure I speak for everyone when I say quality is better than quantity


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Shit's been a little wacked out yeah. Ik where I want the story to go and how to do it I just ain't had a ton of time as of late, and what little I do I'm having a hard time getting anything written. Like I said, life's been a little fucked, but im chipping away at this next chapter, and mentally planning a lot of the future stuff. Thanks for checking in dawg


So I know what I said about "a couple days" and obviously, it hasn't happen, and I'm sorry about it. Within the same 24 hours of posting that, tons of things sprung up on me out of nowhere. Family stuff, a surprise out of town trip, car troubles, among other very time consuming things. So naturally, I haven't found the time until now. It'll actually be up in a couple days this time. I'm sorry for the obscenely long wait guys.
          But stay tuned. It's coming for real this time.


Is been more than a couple of days pal. Where is the chapter?


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I'm working on it, I prolly should have come out with another update, but shit sprung up on me literally within a day. (Ik it sounds like a cop out I swear but I'm serious) I had a trip out of town, car trouble, family affairs, among other things. I've found more time and it WILL be up in a couple of days this time, cuz I've actually found the time. I'll post an update on the profile too