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I left a reply in your story but just in case you don't see it I'll just leave this here. You probably don't need to read this if you've already read them. Hey dude, I just wanted to pop in here really quick to say that I really like your book so far. I think it has a lot of thought put into it and it's delivered very well. Let me just say dude that if you ever get writer's block or something like that please man just reach out to the community, I for one would love to just sit down with you in discord or something and just brainstorm ideas if needed. Also another thing that really can appreciate about you book is the amount of effort you put into the grammer, I love alot of stories but the grammer in most are shit and I feel like it's wasted potential but with yours it's soooo incredibly reassuring and easy to read. Another thing I would just like to add to my first statement that I really like how the character development is planned out and it really seems like you have sit down and thought this whole thing through which I feel alot of writer's on this sight just do not do. Anyway man really appreciate the good work and look forward to seeing more. Sorry for the long winded reply, when I start writing something I usually end up making it a few paragraphs, have a good one