Today was the worst day ever! (I hate Thursdays now) People treat me like crap every single day at school; Ava, William (Ava's twin brother), Isaiah, Aaron S, Derek, Logan, Danny, kind of Joshua, and the list goes on and on. All those people are in 4th grade. The people that treat me like crap at home are my brother; Cole, and my sister; Morgan. They call me names (mostly cuss words which make me go on the verge of crying) 24/7 and when I tell them to stop, they don't. Now, the people at school cuss at me like Logan, Derek, and Joshua. The others just throw mean comments at me like I'm just come kind of squirrel that won't get what they're saying so they keep saying mean things like it won't affect me. But really, it does. Whoever came up with "words can't hurt you" screw you. Because they can. I broke down in front of the whole class at around 3:15. I was so overwhelmed and I couldn't concentrate. There are only a few people I dearly love to heaven and back. Those people are my 3 cousins; Annie, Mason, and Graham, my mom, and you guys that support me and follow me. I don't care if you used to bully others, just as long as you realize the mistakes and lives you were hurting and stopped bullying, I love you. But now I am happier than I was at school because today is over, and I get to be on Wattpad with you lovable people! Stay fabulous, y'all!!! I love you! ~Jessica~