
Suite Française is one of my favourite films and I have also read the book which is just as good as the film. After discovering your name on Instagram and finding out you have wrote two FanFictions on Lucile and Bruno, I read them both - all in one day! Please please please keep writing more!! There both fantastic!!! 


@livelaughlove2021 Thank you, its always a pleasure to hear when someone enjoys my writings. Its the nicest part of sharing it :) 


Hello to you too! Yes I was exactly the same, I was endlessly looking for Suite Française fanfictions and I couldn’t hardly find any?! And the ones I did find were all in French. Which was no good. But I was literally thrilled when I found yours and I just hoped that you would carry on writing more because they are so so so good!!! But thank you for the suggestion and I’ll definitely check out your fanfictions out on Archiv. :) 


@livelaughlove2021 hello to you :) The same here, I just discovered recently and was so impressed that I purchased the book as well! I was looking for fanfiction too but there were almost none and I love writing, which means other (short) stories will follow. However  I was able to find some fanfics on Archiv of our own if you like to check out (I published those two stories there as well) :) And thank you very much!


Love your story on Leon and hilal please right more stories about them showing Leon possessive side


Can’t wait really appreciate your stories 


@muneera208 thank you^^ I will write such a story, since there were already a few demands in that regard. Till then maybe you want to take a look at North Wind, there jealousy plays a bigger part :)