
this message may be offensive
I'm actually a big fat lazy shit  I wanted to write and still ended up doing nothing so I'll try my best but I can't promise anything guys!!




@Lichterkugel OMGGG yes I remember!! True true


@ NightmareCookies2 omg you are back, It's been a year since we Text the last time, creazy how time flys


Happy near year to all of you:) I hope this year was good for you all and even if it wasn't I'm proud of you all for still being here y'all got this okay? 
          Love Alec
          Btw does anyone ship Kirideku here?


@ theenbyalec  thank you a lot!^^ 
            And i'm not a kirideku shiper but i'm totally fine with this ship and can understand why ppl ship it^^" 


Hello, I've been away for a while now haha- I just wanted to let you know that I'll change my user name into "The.enbyalec" so y'all know it's me NightmareCookies2. I also wanted to say that I'll probably update a few stories but I'm not sure yet! I wanna start a biger project now and write an actual book irl so I don't know if I'll ever continue the books on here


@ theenbyalec  good to hear that you are back^^ i hope you're ok:D


this message may be offensive
Okay since a lot of people asked why I .ight leave Wattpad here an explanation. 
          My motivation and energy to write is literally dying. I love to write so fucking much but no for some reason I can't. When I look at the page to write there is nothing there. School is starting soon (like Tomorrow) and it's stressing me out already. I'll be in a new class and got to make some more friends and stuff. (I have like three already and I love them) but in this class there is this boy who extremely sexualizes me and I know that will bring me down too. It did before too. I get offended by everything and everyone. It irritates me very much And I hate it.  I can't talk to my therapist because she doesn't understand and is always mad about me for no reason. Iay in bed most of the time even though I should write something. And my energy and ideas for rp is getting less too. I know I have my friends on here and stuff and I'll miss them if Ieave but idk. I'm just not okay. And I don't wanna leave I actually enjoy writing so much but's complicated I'm sorry. This is so messy for god sake 


@ NightmareCookies2  HI! You can leave if you want though a lot of people will miss you but I don't really understand why you have to. You don't have to write or fell forced to. You can just support other people but this is just your choice. Also if you wanna talk I am always here. I want to become a therapist as well because most therapists these days are just.. Suck. So if you want to talk you can DM me! 


@NightmareCookies2  If you feel like leaving and taking time without writing, that's totally okay and you don't have to feel bad about it. Everyone understands that. Also, you should maybe try looking for a new therapist if yours doesn't help you.


@ NightmareCookies2  i'm really sorry;-; i'm already in school and in a new class and my motivation for wattpad also got less and i thought of leaving wattpad and tt but it just need a little bit time. I mean if you don't feel like you want to write, than make a break, but you don't have to leave complitly. You can still text with ppl's/ read Storys or just do nothing and then if your motivation is back you can write again. And if the boy hurt you or make you uncomfortable then tell this other Student and teachers, there will be a person he help you