Hey Everypony! So I have definitely not been on and updating, and I am extremely sorry! I will try, as I have had zero Wifi on the weekends, so I couldn't post anything ^~^ I shall try to update this weekend, though no promises, sorry^^' It's the best I can do atm
Now, shout out to some ponies^^
The first goes to Warrior Courtney, Whom I cannot tag! She is an awesome writer of all kinds and should definitely be recognized for her works, such as Luna's 1,000 year Diary, Bow To The Moon and all her other books!^^ Please follower her and read her books, as she tries hard to update everything, and should be recognized for it^^ Thank you^^
The second goes to 123Fanreader, the maker of many cool books, including The Elements of Insanity: Chaos and Insanity^^ They try hard, and it should also be appreciated, follow them and read their books! I promise, they are pretty good^^