
Please ignore the clear signs of a future mental breakdown but I've got Tumbler have had it for awhile now but my username is Thunderez


This is part 1 below this is part two
          feels like I'm slowly going insane the marks of my art creep up my arms and stain my fingers and hands with invisible scars of my passion that chains me to my desk to work on a piece for hours at a time to show someone only for it to be fruitless and the older beings I have no choice other than to depend on question my art point out every single mistake of it. I worked hard for it to not be seen as good enough to be admired I am the chained god of my mind and the thousands of worlds I've created are my secret canvases they are untouched by the ones who don't believe they are my safe places places to hide and store away for I am my characters creator and they are as broken as I feel. Nightmare is sign of trauma and past depression. Nerovanie is the show of beauty and confidence but is the mask hiding a growing death.


Leopard is the one she depends on she shows the need for a friend someone who I can talk to and trust. I do not have a leopard. Thunder is the hope and sun that grief breaks into he is my show of over coming something difficult and hard something that I thought would've killed me. Death is the one holding Nightmare Nerovanie Lunarie together she represents the thing keeping me from dying to my own self. The wars show my imagination and the cities and cultures I created and changed as time went on the cultures reflect my hyper active mind show just how beautiful something can be if I put it on paper in the form of my art. Art is how I express myself I show it on my skin on paper my body is my canvas some days yet it is one I'm not allowed to paint Scratches and crescent shaped indents adorn my arms and hands on bad days others Death keeps me in bed to help me rest while Nightmare rages inside Thunder waits for his turn to help and Nerovanie waits at the doorway to be plastered on again. Leopard lays waiting for her time to come waits to be the one I depend on Thunderez is myself I am one of all I do not see myself as much I overwork myself for approval and helpfulness I enter art contests for the glory of winning but for the look of pride my parents will give Nightmare was trapped by her own Nerovanie was raised taught left by hers Lunarie left hers to gain knowledge greatness and their approval I am both trapped and free a bird inside a cage of mirrors


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I got stuck half logged in and half logged out for a few days and had to then figure out how to completely log out then find the screenshot of my password........... So how have you fuckers been and Kid tell X I'm waiting for a reply I haven't waited almost a year now for him to not fucking check his inbox


@Nightmarebleuwing711 the same has been happening to me- but yeah, I'll tell him


Haii nightmare!!! I'm sorry I haven't been on for a while but I have brought some good news with me. X/X3vi0r from the discord server has finally gotten wattpad!!!!! Also I heard what's going on with your best friend, and I'm sorry to hear that they only like dudes (/。\)


@MY_STUPID_TRANS  I found his just waiting for X to respond but he might not know its me


Haii nightmare!! 


@MY_STUPID_TRANS  im feeling a lot better but how are you and can you belive that thanksgiving is quite litarly next week


@Nightmarebleuwing711 oof- hope you'ee feeling better :(


@MY_STUPID_TRANS feeling a bit shitty from cramps but im in my nest with a heating pad so not as bad


Hi nightmare!! I haven't been active on Wattpad lately so we haven't talked much, but how are you doing?


@Nightmarebleuwing711 alright. I'll ask them the next time I talk to them!! 


See if you can get the gang onto Wattpad or AO3. My user for AO3 is Nightmarehorrorbloodwing


@MY_STUPID_TRANS  I mean it would make sence since i started a war or something every other day or multilple in one day.