Por mi mente pasan muchas historias, así que las escribo.
  • Üye olduJune 23, 2012

yoleoyescribo tarafından yazılmış hikayeler
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Liberty City
When the annual truth or dare game at Liberty City begins, Zora is thrown under different dares to encounter...
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NightsDream_ tarafından yazılan SciFi Competitions  adlı hikaye
SciFi Competitions
Here I put some of the drabbles I write for the SciFi Competitions. So yeah here they are, enjoy them and let...
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NightsDream_ tarafından yazılan Stock Still adlı hikaye
Stock Still
stock-still /ˈstɒkˈstɪl/: To be frozen, rooted, static, paralyse or inert. The date is 2090, things are diff...
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