
@maydHummingbird49 Oh, you're welcome. Hope it works out for you! =)


Well, in case you're interested, the first two chapters of 'Cruel Twists of Fate' have been completely edited, with the form changed from first to third, and a couple of extra bits and bobs added here and there. If I've missed anything out, or made any mistakes, please don't hesitate to point it out and laugh. I don't mind =')


Okay guys, I know I've not been the best uploader recently *cough* a year *cough* but I'm going to start writing again. Yes, I know! It's a miracle... What I think it is, is that I didn't like the original way I wrote the story, as it all moved too quickly and didn't really have any building of suspence and such, so when I started to rewrite it, I got deheartened, and gave up. However, thanks to some encouraging/threatening messages, I've just read through the first two chapters of 'Cruel Twists of Fate', and am going to start writing it again. The thing is, I know where I want to the story to go, but just don't know how it's going to get there... But I'm going to start writing, and see how it goes. Watch this space!
          Thankyou very much to all of you who stuck with me all of this time (If you actually bothered to read this message at all) I really do appreciate it =)
          NightshadeNiki =)


          Has someone ever come on your page, and left a message that asks you to read there story? Me too! Lol. And yeah. This is one of those. BUT, you're actually gonna go read mine. You wanna know why??? I'll give you a perfectly good reason why. Because if you don't you'll always wonder, what if...? lol. Plus I think it's a really good story for my first time. 
          Lys's Guide To Surviving The Dark Side 
          Lyssa has never truly fit in anywhere. But when a man who calls himself a 'Seeker' shows up to take her to the mysterious Dark Academy, everything changes. She finds friends, drama, rivalry, and maybe even true love. Will being a new Night Slayer prove to be the best or worst thing to ever happen to her? 
          So go check it out and if you like it vote, comment, facebook like, and tweet it! lol. PLEASE and thank you in advance. If you want me to read your work I gladly will! 
          MissLyss ; ]


HAVE YOU EVER WONDERED WHAT WOULD HAPPEN IF ALIENS CAME TO EARTH? Well, wonder no longer fellow Wattpader, because that day has come...
          Welcome to the Universe.
          A Watty Awards comedy...
          ^ My story follows a troubled teen named Fly, who isn't anything close to normal, but wants nothing more then to fit in... Those days are over when she meets a hot male named Zharov, and her life changes forever, as the future unfolds... Apparently all is not what it seems in this small town, were everybody knows each other's dirty little secrets, but what is he hiding? ;-)
          It's a bird, it's a plane, no... It's a SPACESHIP... What the? o.o
          Like vampire stories? Well, sink your teeth into this!
          'The Not So Secret Life of Helena Callahan'
          ^ My story follows a teenage runaway, who sells her body to make a living. And her not so average life is about to get even more bizarre when she meets a guy who gives her a little more then she bargained for. ;-)
          -- Emma.


Hey I was wondering if you could possibly read my story? It's called "Tantalizing Desires Past Midnight" 
          In know these can get pretty annoying but hey that's what we authors have to deal with right? Lol 
          Well hope you read it! Maybe comment, vote, and maybe maybe fan? Please and thank you! 
          Nightraven896 xoxo XD


          can u check out my story? its called 'deadly secret' - not a very catching title but am working on that
          also comment and tell me wat u think
          and Vote!!!!!! (if u like it)
          FAN!!!!!!!! (if u luve it)
          well hope u like it