Ever walked outside in the middle of a thunderstorm after dark and just stared at the sky? If you haven't, I'd recommend that you do... I'd also recommend doing this on a summer night, that way you don't freeze your butt off.

As the lightning streaks across the sky, igniting the world in mixtures of pinks and purples, you'll find yourself in a whole new world. As the thunder booms, you'll find yourself capture by the natural beauty of the storms, and may even find yourself impatiently waiting for the next one.

Even in the one thing thousands of people dread, you can find something breathtaking.

I''ll be the first to admit that I'm not always the nicest person in the world, so I'm going to tell you guys this now. If you have a problem with me, you have three options;
A) Ignore me
B) Block me
C) Report me

Notice how none of those are "messages me and cuss me out, or "go off on me". All that will do is make me go off on you, and there's no point in that extra drama. Just block me or something. Doesn't have to be a big deal.

If you have a book you think I might like, feel free to message me! I love reading (Obviously) and am always looking for suggesting. I'm a huge sci-fi reader, but I like just about everything. I will ask that you send me nothing Cliche. I like new ideas, not ones that are repeated far too often.

Currently Reading:
Published: The Short Second life of Bree Tanner, Twilight Saga
Wattpad: Nothing

Favorite Song at the moment: Rewrite the Stars- TGS Soundtrack

Favorite Quote: "Which is why you can't go back and kill baby Hitler to stop the war from happening, history heals itself. Isn't that interesting?"

"No, and your a heartless bastard for talking about killing babies at a time like this. Or ever."

"Baby. Hitler."

~Enoch O'Connor and Emma Bloom, Hollow City.

Favorite Characters:

Enoch O'Connor- MPHFPC
Kieran- The Dark Artifices
Fang- Maximum Ride
Nico Di Angelo- PJO
Wolf- Lunar Chronicles
Jasper- Twilight
  • Drowning in the pit of my mind
  • SumaliApril 26, 2018

Kuwento ni Panda
Moonlight (A werewolf rp) ni Nightwalkerstalker
Moonlight (A werewolf rp)
Please look at the title.
3 Mga Reading List