So I've been suicidal a lot in the last few months. My mother is forcing me to wear makeup and fake tan and it makes me so uncomfortable, I do self harm, my big sister wants to get me out of the house to live with her, but i gotta wait until I'm 18, I've been verbally and physically abused, I've been threatened, I'm scared, I'm going to be suicidal when school starts. I found out today that said sister said she wanted to kill herself when I was younger and that *I* was the only one stopping her from doing it. When I was 7 Kion Stopped me from commiting, at 13 TK stopped me from commiting. TLG stopped when I was 12. At 14 TK and Buck were stopping me. Now at 15, Meredith Grey, relate to her on many levels, is stopping me, along with TK, Buck, and my sister so, I'm just....suffering here, I guess.....