
Hello friends! Swords Against Swords has been updated and is just about half way through. A few more weeks and it'll be complete! Please hop on over to it and let me know how it is! :)


Hey, just wondering if you are ever going to finish Royalty? 


@hesxjp Hey! I probably will, but not any time soon. There was a lot I had planned for it, but life got in the way, and  it kind of drifted to the back of my mind. I'm going to start storyboarding it soon, so I can at least have something planned out, but it will most definitely take some time.


Hey guys! It's me, again! I'm starting a new story to which I have already posted the first chapter of! Unfortunately, Royalty is not coming along much at all, so to those of you liked that one, you'll have to wait quite a bit more before I can get around to working on it again. 
          BUT! Fear not, I have a new story called "Swords Against Swords"! This one does share some similarities with Royalty, but it's actually the predecessor to it. I wrote SAS 4-5 years before Royalty was even conceptualized, so if anything, Royalty is similar to SAS. Haha. However, they seemed different enough for me to want to share this one too, so I took the moldy 14 page mess i wrote as a 6th grader and made it into almost 4 times its size while still hoping it counted as a short story! Since it is a short story, it'll be faster in terms of development than Royalty with MANY less chapters. Nevertheless, I hope it'll be just as enjoyable! Please check it out!  
          Long message over. Whew. Thanks! I hope to hear your thoughts!


Here's what I've come to: before releasing any new chapters, I am completely editing Royalty. Somehow when I go back to read it, I'm unsatisfied with some of the decisions I made years ago, and I think I've FINALLY gotten it into me, that this story has to much more potential, and deserves to be better. Sorry for sounding like a loser who's struck by her own writing, but it's the truth. So, I've started with the prologue, and then it'll just keep going from there. I'm probably not going to drastically change the existing chapters because I want to stick to the plot I've already established, but I plan on throwing some new words and stuff in there as I go. If anyone's still with me, I'd love to hear any opinions you have for me and anything you'd like to say at all. 
          Thanks for everything guys! And look forward to more, if you're still up for it! :) 
          For now, the new-or I should say-updated Prologue of Royalty is posted!


Hey guys, I'm really sorry. I seriously don't have time now and am suffering from a major writer's block. Yeah, it sounds pretty lame, but that's the truth. AP classes are really picking up now that the AP test is rolling around now. Plus, Physics is pretty killer if you had my teacher. >.< I will try to update as soon as I can! I understand if you're all angry with me. I apologize once more :(