Hallo!!! And i would like to thank you for DRUMROLL PLEASE <but I left the sticks at home> I DON'T CARE JUST GIVE ME A FRICKIN' DRUMROLL <fine =___=>
buh du duh dam dum buh da duh du dum BECOMING MY FANYERD!!!!! ^,^
It meas A WHOLE LA LA MUCH for you to click that MAgiCAL FAN! button (heh almost typed bottom)
WHAT is a fanyerd one may ask?? Well
My homie named joe said he liked my show, and said that I should get a couple more to go
Why not? so I packed up my cookie dough
and found stage we like to call
my fingers put the swagger in Mr. McJagger
and out the words come from
I catch this lil button talking about
next think ya know I got fanyerds
filling up my emails
reading through these words
and you know what's up?
you are my darling Fanyerd
you are up my alley chilling and grilling with Mr.McFillin'
and next thing ya know, boy
gotta me a nother fanyerd chilling and grilling and watching me put the moves like Jagger
Tee hee love my sorry excuse to rap?
it's okay you don't have to!
oh so to sum it up! a fanyerd = name of Marshie's electronical fan= fanyerd = alllll the spazztaicly amazing fanyerds on wattpad ^,^
Oh for I forget to tell you... Sorry for JUST NOW thanking you. I really do appreaciate your fanage (act of fanning someone)
Csn you be even moar amazing and tell me WHY? (I love that song by Z:E) you cllicked the button that made you my fanyerd?
was it
-the leprecans (very convincing little suckers)
-the sky
-you love soccer too!
-you enjoyed a certain book
-you think purple hair is sexy
-you're related to a spazz bag
-you love to read ((hang on I ran out of room again >_____> ))