@Nija_19 ❤️
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Hi...I am not sure if you guys read this or not....but please help...I have a doubt regarding jeff's power.....If you see this please share your thoughts on what you think about it In Ep 3 Alan touched jeff while eating noodles right..? at that time by the way jeff looked at his hands ,I was sure that he used his power...also he stood shocked ...confused...etc...so I thought it was because he couldn't see alan's future...Also during their fight in Ep 5 & in Ep 4...both times when Alan touched Jeff, he was like "He is the only one special for me...so i will consider him" .coz he stopped when alan touched him in both scenes. Then jeff said he didn't use his power on Alan....if jeff can only see the future if he uses it...then why does he avoid other people...? Jeff during confession time said he can see alan's future . If so did he lie when he said he didn't see anything? so my final question is can he see Alan's future or not...? Also which one you like...?
@PauloDenise That's my wish too....i hope in the s2 they give more clarity...they forgot about jeff's power after they fell in love...they didn't develop that part of their story...
@Nija_19 maybe its because he dont want to say what he see i believe he let his wall down for alan because he see that alan is his future.
@Nija_19 ❤️
Hey ☺️
Hi...I am not sure if you guys read this or not....but please help...I have a doubt regarding jeff's power.....If you see this please share your thoughts on what you think about it In Ep 3 Alan touched jeff while eating noodles right..? at that time by the way jeff looked at his hands ,I was sure that he used his power...also he stood shocked ...confused...etc...so I thought it was because he couldn't see alan's future...Also during their fight in Ep 5 & in Ep 4...both times when Alan touched Jeff, he was like "He is the only one special for me...so i will consider him" .coz he stopped when alan touched him in both scenes. Then jeff said he didn't use his power on Alan....if jeff can only see the future if he uses it...then why does he avoid other people...? Jeff during confession time said he can see alan's future . If so did he lie when he said he didn't see anything? so my final question is can he see Alan's future or not...? Also which one you like...?
@PauloDenise That's my wish too....i hope in the s2 they give more clarity...they forgot about jeff's power after they fell in love...they didn't develop that part of their story...
@Nija_19 maybe its because he dont want to say what he see i believe he let his wall down for alan because he see that alan is his future.
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